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Pearson's brings high quality Renaissance clothing and Medieval costumes to complement everyone's unique taste. Our authentically-styled Renaissance clothing truly suits every member of Renaissance society, from Wench Costumes for the wisecracking women with a sharp tongue, to Renaissance Dresses befitting prim and proper princesses. And don't think we've forgotten the peasants and swashbuckling pirates! We have plenty of options for you as well.
We strive to offer Renaissance clothing that effortlessly transports you to a different time, whether you're donning a Medieval Wedding Dress, or gowns and doublets fit for Queens and Kings. Our collection features Men's Renaissance Clothing, Women's Renaissance Clothing, and Children's Renaissance Clothing as well. We're certain you'll find something special in our shoppe for the whole family, and we thank you for stopping by!
Steampunk Clothing, Footware & Accessories
Do you long for an age where times were simpler, but ripe with the promise of new innovations? Our steampunk fashions will bring you back to a time.
Renaissance Necklaces, Medieval Crowns & Mens Jewelry
In our shop, you will find the highest quality Renaissance Jewelry. If you look over here, you will also find the one item that every single princess needs.
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