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Medieval Tunic: The Foundation of your Medieval Outfit

Medieval Tunic: The Foundation of your Medieval Outfit
What's this? A young lad has wandered into my shop? I'm sorry I must say that I'm a bit taken aback. Normally I'm greeted by young ladies who are in here looking for Medieval gowns, or Medieval wedding dresses to make their happy day just perfect. We also see a lot of young ladies—noble's daughters especially—who love to peruse our Renaissance jewelry section. They just love to try on the Medieval tiaras and crowns. It's hard to break it to them that not every one can be the actual princess in this kingdom! I should probably stop doing that though—tends to drive away customers.

But yes, for a young man we certainly have some things that you may be interested in. Excuse me a moment while I light the lantern in that section of my shop. As I said before, I don't spend a lot of time back there due to the primarily feminine clientele. Now let's see what we can do for you.

Might I suggest that we start with a Medieval tunic? The Medieval tunic is the basis of almost any Medieval outfit. It is extremely similar to what I believe people from your kingdom call a “t-shirt.” The first thing you would put on is wool under layers based upon how warm or cold you want to be, then you drape your Medieval tunic right over. Then you can put on your Medieval cloak, overcoat, or other such article of clothing.

Another important aspect to note, is that a Medieval tunic is the first thing most people will see as you are out and about. That is why, when you are looking through the tunics in the shop, you want to make sure the design on the tunic represents you. Some young men like to put their family crest on the front of their tunics so that others know their lineage. If you are a soldier in the King's army, you can also place the colors of the kingdom on your tunic so that your fellow soldiers can identify you in battle. If you are wearing chain mail, make sure to remember that you put your chain mail on under your Medieval tunic.

Thank you again for visiting my shop. If you like what you see, please spread the word around the kingdom about the wide selection at Hope to be seein’ ya again soon, lad!

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