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New Cosplayer Comic Con Tips

New Cosplayer Comic Con Tips
So you're heading to your first comic con, you've worked hard on getting your costume together and you've perfected your hair and makeup. You're looking in the mirror wondering what else you should be bringing and how long your line with be for the things you want to see. You're in luck! You can find a few simple tips to follow for a newbie listed here:

1. Make sure your footwear is going to be comfortable. There will be hours of standing and walking around the comic con, this is not the time to break in those brand new knee high leather pirate boots. They look awesome but be sure to break them in ahead of time. You don't want your first comic con tainted with the memory of how sore your feet were at the end of the day.

2. Bring snacks or something healthy to eat. Most likely there will be food sold at the comic con but it will be of the fast food and greasy unhealthy variety. Not to mention the food offered will be extremely expensive.

3. Be sure you get in line for what you absolutely have to see as soon as possible. You are going to want to see everything but the vast amount of people that attend comic cons and the size of the halls don't allow for you to see Every. Single. Thing. Make a list of what your top priorities to see and do are and be sure to get in the queue as soon as possible. They fill up fast and the halls don't always empty.

4. Think before you buy. There will be tons of things available to purchase. You may end up wanting every poster of your favorite show but you should definitely consider the price before making a purchase. It could be available online for much less than it's being offered at the comic con. Also consider if it is something you really want or need. Do you have 20 other posters of the same show rolled up at home that you're unable to display?

5. Don't just go to comic con for the panels. There will be tons to see and lots of new people to meet. You never know, the Sailor Moon standing behind you could live down the hall in your apartment building. The Arwen in front of you could have tons of great advice about cosplaying that you were dying to learn.

6. Lastly, remember to Keep Calm & Carry On. It will be crowed and probably hot. You may end up frustrated after you have stood in line to meet the Once Upon a Time Cast for two hours in your Elsa dress (that you suddenly wish was something with less fabric like Tarzan.) Just remember it's hot and crowded for everyone else too and please try to remember to be polite even when everyone else may not be.

Are you heading out to a Comic Convention soon? Be sure to check Pearson's Renaissance Shoppe for all your high quality cosplay costumes. Custom sizing and fitting is available to make sure you look your best!

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