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Renaissance Gypsy Costumes for the Wood Dwelling Woman: A Quiz

Renaissance Gypsy Costumes for the Wood Dwelling Woman: A Quiz
Who are you? It’s a deep question, and we don’t mean to scare you. There are so many different roles and personas that you can become for a LARP or role playing event. Some may roll a die to choose or dig deep to find out. How can you tell if you’re suited for the Renaissance gypsy costumes? We’ve pulled together a short, role playing inspired quiz to figure out if you’re the type of person to play a gypsy woman. Read each question and answer carefully. At the end, add up your yes answers and decide if you are indeed a woman of gypsy status worthy to wear Renaissance gypsy costumes from!

Where do you live?

Not all Renaissance characters get the joy of living in a castle or even a cottage. As many role players or LARPers know, there are other, darker places to live. Royal people walk about with courtiers and counts, while you roam the woods, pitching tents to stay where you are for the night. Every night you move on to a new place, a new dark path.

What do you do?

You’re very patient and enjoy the idea of waiting for long periods of time, because in the end you know that the payoff will be great! Whether it’s a rich man’s carriage or a cart of food, it’ll be worth trapping and taking for all it’s worth! No one actually suspects the innocent looking women in Renaissance gypsy costumes to be dangerous, making the odds of a successful trap and heist even higher!

Do you like fun, flowing clothes?

There are bangles on your ankles and on each wrist, necklaces and gold coins jingling. The Renaissance gypsy costumes you prefer are long and elegant, with full skirts draping down to the floor as you dance around, with short, revealing tops with bust-enhancing bodices!

Where do you go?

When the day is done, you don’t sit in a library or lounge by a harp. You spend your nights dancing in firelight or in taverns. The Renaissance gypsy costumes are easily disguised as a wench’s costume, which makes blending into the murky nightlife easy.

How did you do?

If the character you’re developing answers ‘yes’ more often than ‘no’ to these questions, then she’s definitely a gypsy woman. Choose from the many Renaissance gypsy costumes at for your next role playing or LARP event. The next time someone asks, “Who are you?” proudly proclaim, “I’m a Renaissance gypsy woman.” And sashay away with a sly smile…

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