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Medieval Wedding Dresses: For the Fan of History

Medieval Wedding Dresses: For the Fan of History
Are you the kind of person who loves history? Do you find yourself interested in events that happened in the past almost more than the present? Does it excite you to learn how people lived in different time periods? Is your television set always tuned to the History Channel? You are not alone! Learning about our past is an excellent way to help us prepare for our future. And we mention all this talk of the past because we thought you might be interested in incorporating history into some of the most important events in your life, such as your wedding, perhaps? has an excellent selection of Medieval wedding dresses that you can choose from for your Medieval themed wedding. Read on to learn more!

Medieval Themed Weddings

Having your wedding in the theme of Medieval times is more common than you may think. Many people are infatuated with the lore of antiquity, and plan their weddings to simulate the marriage ceremony of the Medieval era.

Medieval marriage ceremonies had a lot more pomp and circumstance, which made them somewhat more elaborate than their modern counterparts. The groom would have a group of retainers—men who were fiercely loyal—who would carry his sword, banner, and coat of arms. The bride would have a group of ladies in waiting, who would carry her banner, the ceremonial chalices, and the ring.

Medieval wedding dresses were also different than dresses we are accustomed to seeing today. Rather than being purely white, Medieval wedding dresses would oftentimes be tailored to include the colors of the bride’s kingdom. They would sometimes also contain the crest or insignia of the groom to indicate the alliance that is being formed between the two kingdoms. Examples of Medieval wedding dresses that follow these traits include our Anne Boleyn gown, Tudor gown, and rich sapphire Queen Katherine gown.

So if you are a fan of history and are considering having a Medieval themed wedding, make sure to visit us at, where you can find an impressive selection of high quality and comfortable Medieval wedding dresses. With a dress from Pearson’s, you will surely look like a Queen. A Medieval Queen, of course!

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