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Men's Medieval Jewelry & Crowns

Crowns of gold, chains of silver; medieval jewelry helps to show others what rank or office a man holds in the realm. Are you a King of high standing? Then you must simply don one of our plush medieval crowns so that all may know to bow down before you. Those of you with lesser statuses, we have medieval crowns to suit your tastes and standing as well. You may choose from our gold, silver and brass medieval crowns, more suiting to a Baron, Tudor, or less ornate King.

Perhaps you wish to show your conquests? If you are member of The Order of Chivalry then let others know with the Knightly Medieval chain hung about your tunic. Or do you desire medieval jewelry with magical powers? A finely crafted piece of medieval jewelry hung about the neck may signify mastery of the moon or give the wearer power over dragon and wyverns – the importance of which is not to be overlooked!

Peruse the fine medieval jewelry from to make obvious your mastery, rank or conquests to all others.
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